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While you wait, my new book. Now What? A step by step approach to land your new job or career is out now. Check out the details below for just $7.
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This book is for those who want to stand out to get that dream job!
My New Book - NOW WHAT? - reveals…
“The latest approach to take control over your career”
Get my amazing new book described as a “Must-Read for Everyone Who Is Struggling to Find The Perfect Job, or Know What Career Move to Make Next” for Only $7
You Too Can Learn the Steps to Find Clarity and Make the Right Decisions
You can uncover the secret to apply for positions that don't even exist yet. If anxiety about your career or job applications or interviews makes you doubt yourself, it's time to leave that anxiety behind and be confident, knowing that you're ready for the next step in your career.
Face the door to NOW WHAT?... It's time to take the next step.
Hi, I'm Kirsten Brumby
My new book is about to hit international book stores.
Be quick and be first to get an electronic copy sent to you NOW with immediate access from anywhere and without the wait.
If you are stuck in a mediocre job, or you are without a job and want to learn how to choose the right career, if you want to gain skills on how to apply for that dream job or ace that dreaded interview process...
Then keep reading because this message is for YOU.
This may be the most important thing you read this year.
But before I tell you about how my book will help you land the perfect job you always wanted..
Ask yourself this…
Please answer this question and be honest with yourself:
Have you ever felt frustrated and stuck in a job you hated? Have you ever felt beyond desperate because you just couldn’t find a job, any job..and it made you question yourself or your skills?
You’re not alone, keep reading.
Whether you’re an early job-starter who’s desperate to get on the career ladder or a career-changer who wants to feel free and successful, this book’s step-by-step approach will help you to gain the right skills and confidence to get the job you always wanted.
Why do people struggle to find the right job or climb the career ladder? Why is it so difficult to take that next step? Perhaps it’s time to find clarity and take charge over the unknown.
You might be wondering, how do I know all of this?
I have spent over 20 years consulting, mentoring and coaching others on how to achieve their career goals. Through my consulting firm and working with HR departments of large organisations across the globe, I specialised in innovative systems and strategies to help people eliminate self-doubt, overcome the fear of rejection, and get set on the right job or a new career path. I thrive on challenges that others walk away from.
Best of all? I personally have overcome every single one of the obstacles described in this book. I’d learnt step by step how to stand out from the crowd, build an effective resume, and become that best and irresistible choice in the dreaded interview process.
So, please reflect honestly and consider, if...
- You’re stuck in a job that you’ve long outgrown and it is slowly suffocating you
- You keep wondering what is the next step in your career
- You feel a growing sense of desperation because you seemingly can’t get the job you want
- You spend countless hours on applications that lead nowhere
- You keep pondering... Now what? But worry... What if?
And you just wish that the cycle of being unappreciated would stop, because you really want something more…
Well, you’re certainly not alone and the good news is… My book is here to help you eliminate all the negativity, doubt and worry about your future career.
It’s time to take charge with my incredible new book….
How can something so deceptively simple, be so life changing? This is by far the most useful book I've read on career planning. It feels like Kirsten is there with you offering support and encouragement all the way. A must have for jobseekers and career coaches! Francine Paton
Organizational Development Consultant
Kirsten made me brave. Thinking out of the box led to achieving goals that I never thought were within reach. Kirsten opened my mind to possibilities that I'd never considered and showed me that the only thing limiting me, was myself. Michelle Arnold
Executive Project Manager for Government
Learn to explore what you really want, listen to your inner voice and stop being afraid to choose a new career path.
My book will give you the step-by-step instructions on how to rebuild yourself, your goals and develop your skills, so you will become that irresistible applicant, the ‘right’ person for the job.
- Let go of the frustration of not knowing what to do with your life
- Stop despairing that you can’t seem to find the right job for you
- Learn to overcome the awful feeling of rejection when not getting the job you apply for
- Obtain the skills of resume and cover letter writing, learn to stand out from the crowd
- Transform into a new, confident you, who shines at interviews and is ready for the change
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Because it is possible to break free from a mediocre job that slowly pulls you under.
It is possible to learn new skills to update yourself and your goals. You can get that job you always wanted or that new career path you secretly desire but hesitate to take.
Let go of self-doubt and worry, and take control of life once and for all.
Now What? Is the solution to what’s next for you and your career.
Here's just a fraction of what's in the book...
Now What? A Step-by-step Approach to Land Your New Job or Career
It is a “Must-Read for Everyone Who Is Struggling to Find The Perfect Job, Not Knowing What To Do.”
By the time you’ve finished reading this book you will become a confident decision-maker and make great career choices. You will learn new skills to make your job applications irresistible. You will learn how to stand out from the crowd and how to demonstrate that you’re the best person for the job.
I believe that this is your time to shine. Take control over your life and see for yourself what lies beyond the frustrating stage of Now What?....
Discover the 7 step process of how to get a new job or career.
It all begins with a dream. What's yours?
- CHAPTER 2 – STEP 1 - Prepare yourself to think differently
In this chapter you will learn how to change your thinking in order to better your chances of landing the job you want. (p. 13).
Discover how setting your expectations can help in your search for a job.
Learn how empathy can help you get a job, and how to develop this as a skill. - CHAPTER 3 – STEP 2 - Clarity to start talking
Discover how to effectively prepare for making the decision for your next step in your career (p. 25).
Discover the easiest way to expand your awareness of what you want and need in a job.
Learn how to use your subconscious to shine a light on what your next job or career step will be. - CHAPTER 4 – STEP 3 - Seek and Search - The numbers game
Learn how to build your awareness in job and career options in order to expand your options and get you ‘unstuck’ (p. 39).
Discover where ‘hidden’ jobs can be found and the best way to apply for them.
Enhance your job search skills in order to find more potential jobs to apply for. - CHAPTER 5 – STEP 4 - Your Resume - Rewrite your history
Learn the real aim of writing a resume and how to write one with this in mind (p. 59).
Discover simple but effective tips to help your resume stand out for recruiters.
Enhance your resume writing skills. - CHAPTER 6 – STEP 5 - Writing applications - It’s not about you, it’s about them
Learn the real aim of your written job application and how to write one with this in mind (p. 71).
Learn ‘tried and true’ methods of compiling a written application that increases your chances of getting an interview.
Enhance your skills at submitting written job applications that stand out to the recruiter. - CHAPTER 7 – STEP 6 - Landing that job or career with a great interview - Be your best you
Discover the real aims of a job interview - for the interviewer and for you (p. 89).
Learn how to uncover and overcome your fears of interviewing.
Enhance your ability to answer any questions in a job interview by using a formula, and improve other interview skills. Use this formula to get unstuck if you get stumped by a question... you'll move forward and regain the confidence to say what you mean, and reconnect with the interviewers. - CHAPTER 8 – STEP 7 - The Secret Ingredients - Persistence, perseverance and preparation
Enhance your skills for getting feedback on job applications and interviews (p. 109).
Discover strategies to improve with every job application until you land your perfect job.
Learn how to develop resilience and not just survive the job search process but get more out of it than just a job!
What will this book help you acheive?
- Let go of frustration and upgrade your thinking, so you can finally start on a new career path.
- Gain confidence to dare to make a choice. Leave your suffocating old job in the past.
- Learn new skills and transform into a ‘standout’ applicant.
- Learn to let go of rejection and take control of the job application process, knowing ‘You’ve got this’!

At this point you're probably wondering what's the investment for you to get this incredible book?
The PDF digital download of the book is just $7, and you get it instantly, straight to your smart phone or computer, anywhere, anytime.
Why just $7? I have 2 reasons really...
- Sustainability is important for me. I believe in taking care of our environment and reducing my carbon footprint and...
- You get the book today and you can start on this incredible career growth within minutes, you don't need to wait for the paperback to arrive in the mail.
This is why you will get this book as a digital download.
Also, making this available as an online download means anyone who can access the worldwide web can access this book from anywhere at any time.
As soon as you place your order today, you will be sent an email receipt with the instructions to access the download, meaning you can get the book straight away.
From there you can download the book and read it.
I have done this so you can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you! (Of course, those that love to hold a book in their hands can still order the paperback anytime too.)
And because I want to ensure that you, too, can get the job or career you always wanted...
I offer you the NOW WHAT? Double Guarantee:
Think you have tried everything? Try me.
If you read through my book and find you didn't learn anything remotely new or feel inspired by what you read, just ask for a refund.
All you have to do is ask and you will receive your refund promptly and courteously. You don’t have to show any further proof.
I wouldn’t want you to miss out on an incredible opportunity to find the perfect job or career you always wanted just because you have purchased other books on career advice before and feel like you’ve already tried it all.

30 Day ‘Satisfaction Guarantee Or Get Your Money-Back’
You just can’t lose with my ‘Satisfaction Guarantee Or Get Your Money-Back’.
Read through my book, you will not want to put it down. See for yourself how you can perfect your job-hunting skills. Learn to follow your intuition when searching for the ‘right’ job. Follow along with my book, have my tips and step-by-step approach on hand, to transform you into the perfect and irresistible job applicant you always wanted to be, so you can land your dream job or career.
You will be so impressed with the improvements you feel. And if you are like 99.9% of my clients and readers, you will be thrilled with the quick and easy methods you can start using immediately.
However, in the unlikely event you are not, contact me directly within 30 days and I will courteously and promptly, give you your money back, no strings attached.
Here Is What To Do Next
So here's your next step so you can finally get the career of your dreams
The time to act is now.
The longer you wait the more precious time you waste on doubting yourself or feeling stuck. Remember, this is your opportunity to turn your life around and forge a clear path to your improved, confident self.
Click below now and get taken to my secure ordering page.
Don’t procrastinate on this one. Check in with your intuition... is this the book and the help you have been waiting for?
Today, you can begin to be confident and have a clear and achievable action plan so you can really embark on a new path toward your dream job or career.
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There is a cost of inaction:
You can give into and stay stuck in your mediocre job or to the awful feeling of rejection by ignoring this opportunity to have straightforward approach to a new life.
You can make the fully guaranteed purchase of:
You'll get the digital book as a digital download for just $7 or you can get the paperback for a little more.
Get started right now, so you can finally take control over your future career.
The decision is yours. Let me help you with my book NOW WHAT?

PS. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end, here's the deal:
My downloadable e-book will teach you how to become a confident decision-maker when it comes to career choices. You will learn new skills to make your job applications irresistible. You will learn how to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate that indeed, you’re the best person for the job.
You will finally move from the nagging Now What? stage to your new career path with soaring confidence.
In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...
You will learn to think in different ways about what to do with your life. You will gain greater clarity about your options, and which option might be the best for you, so you can take the next step in your career. My book will leave you with a satisfied feeling knowing finally you’re on the right path.
- This book will challenge you to start looking for a new job or career you always wanted. Even if you decide to stay at your current job, you will leave your frustration behind. My book will help you understand why you made that decision, and it is ok to stay. This book will help you feel in control over your career choices.
- You’ll learn how to find jobs both in conventional or non-conventional ways. My guidance will leave you feeling empowered and confident, ready to apply for any jobs you want.
- You’ll leave the awful feeling of rejection and despair behind.
- You’ll build new skills to write sizzling job applications that will make you stand out. Your newfound knowledge will help land the interview for the job you want.
- Following my approach will help you feel more in control of the job interview process. You will be confident talking about yourself in a positive manner, and will be more comfortable in a job interview setting. You will no longer punish yourself over losing a job through a poor interview.
- You will gain greater insight into why past job applications may have failed to attract employers. My book will help you develop strategies to achieve a more positive outcome by learning how to land interviews and win those coveted jobs.
- My book will leave you energised and optimistic about the job searching process. You will learn how to set realistic expectations and focus on things that you have control over. You will feel inspired to keep going until you find the perfect job or career.
But you might be thinking...
Why would I offer this book here online for only $7 when it is worth more in print from the store or online you might ask?
I have 2 simple reasons:
- Sustainability is important for me. I believe in taking care of our environment and reducing my carbon footprint.
- As a digital download, you'll receive the book today and you can start implementing the help you've wanted immediately. This book can reach as many people as possible.
This is why you will get this book as a digital download for just $7 today. (or if you want to wait and still prefer to hold a book in your hands, you can upgrade to the paperback for a little more... AND, you'll get the digital download anyway so you can start reading while you wait for the book to arrive in the mail.)
Also, making this available as an online download means anyone who can access the worldwide web can access this book from anywhere at any time.
As soon as you place your order today, you'll be sent an email receipt with the instructions to access the download, meaning you can get the book straight away.
From there you can download the book and start reading...
So get your copy now.
And if, for any reason you feel it isn’t going to change your life or if you feel you have heard it all before, you have my money back guarantee.
Sound fair?
So, what are you waiting for!?!
Get your copy of NOW WHAT? today!
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At every step of the journey there were various tools and flexible strategies I could mould, use and revisit to keep me on the right path. Kirsten offered a personalised yet professional approach. Vicky G,
Working with Kirsten has helped me build confidence in myself. I now understand what I do and don't want in a job, and I have the tools to help me pursue the career of my dreams. Ann-Marie B,
Award-winning Author
Kirsten is inspirational and because of her I didn't give up I set goals and worked towards them to achieve personal greatness, and all due to her encouragement and guidance. Michelle Arnold
Executive Project Manager for Government